Chayei Sara 5773 – Sara did not die early

Sara’s lifetime was one hundred years, twenty years, and seven years, the years of Sara’s life (Bereshis 23:1)

The Shedlitzer Rav, the grandfather of Rav Pam, asks the question why the verse repeats itself so much when it is not necessary. To answer, he begins by quoting Rashi, who states that Sara’s passing is mentioned just after the Akeidah because the two incidents are related. The Satan told Sara that her son was being tied down on an altar to be brought as an offering. Before he told her that Yitzchak was not really slaughtered, Sara passed away.

The Shedlitzer Rav states that many believe that if the Satan did not come to Sara, then she would not have died. This is not true though. The Torah emphasizes that Sara lived 127 years because this was the amount of time allotted for her to live. Even if the Satan did not come to her, she would have passed away.

This past Shabbos I was talking with a student of Rav Henoch Leibowitz, of blessed memory, who was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva in Queens, NY. The student said that one time he was driving the Rosh Yeshiva to the airport and they got a late start. The student was nervous that the Rosh Yeshiva would miss his flight. The Rosh Yeshiva stated that there is no reason to be nervous. If Hashem wants me to make the flight, I will make it. If I am not supposed to be on the flight, I won’t make it.

The student was not satisfied with this answer though. He said that it was their own fault that they were late. He worried that they were to blame if the flight was missed. He asked, “so, if the Rosh Yeshiva misses his flight, isn’t it our fault?” The Rosh Yeshiva was not bothered though. He said that being late will be marked against us in Heaven, but it does not change the outcome. “If I am supposed to make my flight, I will. Hashem will work out the events to make sure I am there.”

We cannot control outcomes. We certainly need to make an effort, but whatever comes from our efforts is not our decision. The final result is decided by Hashem and He makes sure that whatever He wants to happen will happen.

Good Shabbos!
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