Divrei Simcha on Parshas Nitzovim/Vayeilech 5766


In this week’s parsha, we learn the mitzvah of Hakhel (31:10-13). Every seven years, all Jewish men, women, and children were required to come to the Temple and assemble together. Chazal, our Sages of blessed memory, state the men came to learn, the women to listen, and the children to bring merit to those that brought them. But how does bringing the children give merit to those who brought them? What’s so important about this event?

First, let’s answer a different question. In Pirkei Avos (ethics of our fathers), it states in the first mishna that you should develop many students. If this was only written for rabbis and teachers, it makes sense, but this mishna was written for everyone in Klal Yisrael (the community of Israel). But how can the common Jewish businessman develop many students?

I think the answer may be that through a person’s actions, they can teach others. When other people see a Jewish person on the street that is honest, doesn’t speak Lashon Hara, cares for others, cares about Hashem, is serious about Torah learning, it influences other people. Other people are affected by what they see and if they see positive traits in another person, they will want to copy that. Therefore, through our actions, we teach others. (Sometimes we do not even realize how many students of ours are walking the streets because they saw something we did). Teaching in a classroom setting is very important but it cannot match how we can teach someone by letting him or her see our middos tovos (good character traits).

And this is why the children are brought to Hakhel. It is so they can see what parents treasure most. Even if a little baby comes and sees thousands and thousands of Jewish men and women gathered together to serve Hashem, it has an effect on them. They learn from this experience.

So how is this a merit for those who bring them? Well, what is the greatest merit for Jewish parents? It is having their children follow in their footsteps and follow the path of Torah. When the child comes to Hakhel, he will be influenced and taught about the greatness of Hashem and the Torah and will want to follow in his parents’ ways. This is the greatest merit any parent could have.

Good Shabbos!


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