Dvar Halacha On Parshat Pinchas 7 09 2012

One of the minhagim that we have at a bris milah is the Kiseh Shel Eliyahu. The source of this minhag is the Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer who quotes a passuk from this week’s Parsha. In the merit that Pinchas took revenge against Zimri, who married a non-Jewish woman, he will forever attend every bris milah, which is a guard against such actions of promiscuity. Chaza”l tell us that Eliyahu HaNavi and Pinchas are the same person. It is for this reason that we arrange a special chair for Eliyahu HaNavi at every bris.

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer
Rosh Kollel, NMB Kollel

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