Dvar Halacha On Parshat Tazria/Metzora 2011

This week’s Parsha tells us about the mitzvah of bris milah in the passuk of, “On the eighth day, the flesh of the orlah, will be removed.” When a baby is born on Shabbos, one may have the inclination to think that the bris must wait until Sunday since blood comes out from the cut, and causing a bruise or blood to leave the body is forbidden on Shabbos. Still, our sages learn out from the from the fact that the Torah uses the words “On the eighth day,” instead of saying simply “On the eighth,” that the mitzvah of giving a bris on the eighth day takes place even if it falls out on Shabbos.
Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer
Rosh Kollel, NMB Kollel

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