Emor 5768 – playing your part

In this week’s parsha, Emor, we learn laws of the Cohanim (priests). In 21:16-24, a listing appears about blemishes a Cohain might have that makes him not allowed to bring an offering in front of G-d. The job of the Cohain is to bring offerings though. Isn’t it unfair that just because a person is born a certain way that he is now not able to serve in the capacity that he is supposed to.

In actuality it is not unfair at all. Every person is created to accomplish a certain goal in his life and each person’s goal is different from everyone else. Also, each person is given all of the tools necessary to accomplish his mission in life. This Cohain that is born with a blemish or acquires one through no fault of his own is not meant to bring offerings like all other Cohanim. His mission in life requires him to be a Cohain but for some reason, he is not supposed to bring offerings.

This is a very important lesson for all of us. Sometimes people look at other people and wonder why the other person has something that he does not have. Some people get so upset that other people have lots of money, while they do not. Why is it this way? Why do other people have better intelligence than me? Why can some people sleep 4 hours a night and be able to function properly the next day but for me, I need at least 8 hours? Why am I so bad at sports or knitting or typing or there’s millions of other things? The answer is all the same: because the situation you are in is the best for your mission in life. You have to accomplish certain goals and if you were rich, more intelligent, a better athlete, etc., then you would not be able to accomplish your particular goals as well as you can without these things.

Of course, if your qualities are your own fault, then you are not accomplishing your goals. If, for example, you decided to set your wallet on fire with $10,000 inside of it, then it is your own fault you are poor. But if you made a deal that you thought would be good, but it turned sour, then this is for your best. G-d knows what is best for you and it was beyond your control that you lost this money. When you have outcomes that are beyond your control, you can be guaranteed that this is so you can do what you need to do in your life. So be happy with what you have and do not desire what others have. You are each playing different parts and you have everything that you need to play your part properly.

Good Shabbos!
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