Negative Commandment #96

Sefer Ha’mitzvos Ha’Katzar (The concise book of mitzvos) By the Chofetz Chaim

This book lists the Torah mitzvos that can be observed today

Second Section – the Negative Commandments

96. It is a negative commandment “do not eat creeping creatures that have wings”

As it states in Devarim (Deuteronomy) 14:19, “any creeping creature with wings is not kosher to you, do not eat it.” This includes: non-kosher grasshoppers, flies, gnats, bees, wasps, and so forth. If a person eats a complete living being that is a creeping creature with wings, even though it is less than an olive size amount, he receives lashes. But, kosher grasshoppers are allowed to be eaten. Kosher grasshoppers have three signs that they are kosher: has four legs, four wings that cover most of the length and circumference of the body, and two legs to jump with.

This applies in all places and at all times, for men and for women.

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