Parshas Bo 5772 – Someone Is Listening

“for there was no house which did not have a dead person.” Shemos 12:30

In this week’s parsha we have the last of the Plagues – the Slaying of the Firstborn. Rashi points out that in numerous houses, there was more than one person dead – sometimes as many of 5. The reason is because the Egyptian women were not faithful to their husbands. They would find unmarried men and have children from them. Although the child looked like it was the Egyptian couple’s second, third, fourth, or fifth child, it was actually the first child for the man who secretly was with the Egyptian woman. Therefore, many children died while the husband found out the truth about his wife.

An amazing realization happened during this last plague. The Egyptians realized that someone saw everything they did – even when it seemed like they got away with it. Someone sees everything! Someone knows everything! The Egyptians realized there really is a G-d!

When I was in 12th grade, the boy who sat behind me in History class once said to me, “I believe that G-d used to exist. For example, he existed when the world was created and during the redemption from Egypt. But G-d does not exist anymore.” If he read the above, he would probably agree that G-d did exist during that time. It is true He saw everything, but he would believe “that was then and this is now.” No one is watching us anymore.

Don’t make that mistake! G-d is still here and knows everything. G-d sees everything and hears everything.

In the winter of 1994, I lived in New Jersey and was not religious yet. Actually, I was not even sure if G-d existed – until one Saturday morning when my life was changed. I had plans to go out with a friend on Saturday night and really wanted to go. The only problem was the forecast said it was going to snow. My mother said the night before that if there was snow on the roads, I would not be able to drive to my friend’s house.

I woke up the next morning and ran to my window. I opened the shade and saw white stuff covered the ground. Not only that but it was still falling and did not look like it was going to stop anytime soon. I sadly got back into my bed. I then quietly said, “G-d, I don’t know if you exist, but if you do, please make it stop snowing.” I laid in my bed for 10 minutes. I slowly got up and opened my window shade again. Miraculously, the snow had stopped falling. The sun had come out and the snow was beginning to melt. That night, I went to my friend’s house.

G-d still exists! He sees everything and hears everything. The Egyptians came to this realization during the slaying of the first born. I found this out when I offered a small prayer on a snowy day. G-d is still here!

Good Shabbos
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