Parshas Ki Savo 5768 – A very important message

“This day G-d commands you to perform these laws to keep and perform them with all your heart and all your soul.”
Devarim 26:16
– Each day they should appear to you as new like the day they were commanded to you – Rashi

About thirty years ago, a frightening event took place. A plane flying from America to Eretz Yisroel was highjacked and landed in a country full of terrorists. On that airplane was Rav Hutner, a great Rosh Yeshiva from America, as well as many other Jews. The whole world began saying Tehillim and learning extra as a merit for those on the airplane that was now parked in a terrorist land.

Two weeks went by and the captives were still in the terrorists’ hands. Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, a great Rosh Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel at this time, gave the following speech:

Our forefather, Yaakov, passed away in Egypt and his 12 sons and all of his grandchildren brought him to be buried in Eretz Yisroel. They arrived at the mouth of Maaros HaMachpelah, the cave that his parents and grandparents were buried and that he was supposed to be buried in, and were met by Esav, Yaakov’s wicked brother. Esav said that he owned the rights to be buried in this cave. The brothers started arguing with him saying that since Esav gave Yaakov the birthright, therefore, Yaakov was to be buried there. Esav told them to prove it. Since the birthright was left in Egypt, the brothers decided that Naftoli, the quickest of them, would run back to get it and return with it. Chushim, the only son of Dan, was deaf and therefore, did not hear the discussions between the brothers and Esav. When he saw Naftoli running away, he asked the others what was going on. They explained the whole discussion that took place. Chushim immediately grabbed his sword and sliced off Esav’s head. Yaakov was then buried in Maaros HaMachpelah.

Why was it Chushim that killed Esav? We have learned that this was the right thing to do and all of the sons of Yaakov were great people. Why didn’t one of them kill Esav? The answer is because during the argument with Esav, they became used to seeing Yaakov not being buried. Subconsciously, they became accustomed to the situation. Chushim, though, was not involved with the arguments because he was deaf. He did not know what was going on. When he finally heard what was happening, since he had not adjusted to the situation, he immediately took action.

Rav Shmuelevitz then concluded to his audience that they have become accustomed to seeing Rav Hutner and the other Jewish people on the plane being stuck in a terrorist country. Two weeks ago, everyone was very enthusiastic to perform anything he could to help them, but this inspiration has disappeared. Everyone has unfortunately become like the brothers – even if it is subconscious. BUT WE CANNOT AFFORD TO! WHO KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THESE JEWISH SOULS! LET’S REIGNITE THE FLAMES OF ENTHUSIASM AND DO ALL WE CAN TO PRAY FOR MERCY FROM G-D!

I would like to share a thought with you. A few months ago, I was traveling in Ohio and came to a shul on a Monday morning. The Gabbai began the Mi Sh’Berach prayer for sick people and in the middle of it, I heard a familiar name: Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana bas Ester Liba. When I heard this name, it shook me up. I had been hearing this name for almost a full year now, but I did not think much about it. I had become accustomed to hearing the name. But this time, since I was in a different place, it really made me think.

Last year, for Parshas Ki Savo, I wrote my DivreiSimcha as a Zechus for a Refuah Shlema for a 4 year old girl named Ruchama Aliza. It has been a full year since she has been on life support! A year ago everyone was doing anything we could to ask for mercy from G-d to save this little girl. Have we become too accustomed to this situation?

May we only hear of happy times in our future!

Good Shabbos!
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