Torah Teaser – Parshat CHAYEI SARA Questions & Answers – October 25 2113

Torah Teasers
Sara Lives For 37 Years “Vayihyu Chayei Sarah.” Why does the the pasuk say, “Vayihyu; And they were the life of Sarah,” – in the plural, the Torah should have said, “Vayihi Chayei Sarah,” – in the singular? Daas Zikainim MiBaalei HaTosfos answers that the numerical value of “Vayihyu” is 37. Since Chazal tell us that one who does not have any children is considered dead, Sarah’s first 90 years of her life were not real living. The Torah is telling us, “Vayihyu Chayei Sarah,” – the life of Sarah was “Vayihyu” – 37 years (from age 90-127) – the number of years she lived after Yitzchok was born.
Avrohom’s One And Only Precious Mitzva When Avrohom asked Eliezer to swear his allegiance to the great task of finding Yitzchok a suitable wife, he asked him to place his hand beneath Avrohom’s thigh. The halacha is that when swearing you must hold a holy object, normally a Sefer Torah. Avrohom wanted Eliezer to swear on his mitzva of Bris Mila. Rashi says that this diversion from common halacha on Avrohom’s part was because the mitzva of Mila was precious to him, because it came with great pain. Rav Eliezer HaGadol Ashkenazi, in his classic work Maasei Hashem, asks on Rashi why he needed to answer why Avrohom didn’t swear on a Sefer Torah. Although Avrohom kept all the mitzvos, Mila was the only one he was commanded to do by Hashem. He answers that Rashi was not explaining why he didn’t take a Sefer Torah, he was answering why he didn’t ask Eliezer to swear on his own Bris Mila, since Avrohom was commanded to do Mila on his Avadim as well. To this Rashi answered that Avrohom’s own bris mila came through pain and sacrifice and was, therefore, more holy to him.
Eliezer Is A Sly Shadchan When Avrohom gave Eliezer instructions to find a wife for Yitzchok he says(24:4) “V’Lakachta Isha Livni L’Yitzchok; You should find an appropriate girl for my son Yitzchok.” When Eliezer retells the storyto Lavan and Besuel he says (24:38), “V’Lakachta Isha Livni,” omitting the word Yitzchok. Why did he do this? The Bais HaLevi explains that this is a phenomenon in Shiduchim. Sometimes a very wealthy man will offer a large dowry for the son of a great talmid chochom from a chosheveh family, for his daughter. If another Shadchan would approach him and tell him that for the same price he has a boy who himself is great in learning and yiras shamayim, the father would balk. Why? The father is machshiv Torah, and he is willing to pay for the aura of Torah. However, he doesn’t want his daughter to live a Kollel lifestyle. He wants his daughter to enjoy life and indulge in the luxuries that may not be consistent with a Kollel lifestyle. He wants his daughter to be the wife of a wealthy businessman. When Eliezer took one look at Lavan and Besuel he realized that Yitzchok’s Yichus, as the son of one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people, would be a big draw. However, he was afraid that if he would inform them that Yitzchok himself was a great tzaddik, this might be a turnoff and ruin the shidduch. He, therefore, sold Yitzchok as the son of Avrohom and nothing more.
Eisav’s Naughty Uncle Lavan “UliRivka Ach Ushmo Lavan; And Rivka had a brother whose name was Lavan.” The Baal HaTurim points out that we find the word “UliRivka” in another place in the Torah – “Vatiyena Moras Ruach LiYitzchok UliRivka; Eisav’s wives were a rebellious spirit to Yitzchok and Rivka.” The Baal HaTurim explains the connection between these 2 psukim. The Gemara says that most sons turn out similar to their mother’s brother. If you want to know why Esav was so evil and, “Vatiyena Moras Ruach LiYitzchok UliRivka,” it was because, “UliRivka Ach Ushmo Lavan.” Esav was similar to his mother’s brother – Lavan!
Efron The Cat The Alter of Kelm takes note of Efron’s change of heart. How could he so quickly go from insisting that Avraham take the cave for free, to accepting a huge sum of silver for it – way above the field’s worth? The Torah adds that the money was good money as well. It was money that was acceptable in any country – and Efron grabbed it without further protest. Rashi comments: “He said much, and he didn’t even do a little.” (of what he promised)
There was once a debate which is famed to have taken place between the Rambam and the philosophers of his day. The philosophers maintained that the nature of an animal can be changed, and it can be transformed into a refined creature. The Rambam maintained that it could not be intrinsically changed. Challenges were made, and the training began. When the day came, a huge gathering was eagerly waiting to witness this historical event. Everyone was astounded to see a cat appear as a waiter, holding a pitcher of wine ready to be poured. Apparently, the philosophers had proven their point and won the argument. The Rambam brought out a little box containing a live mouse, and it was soon scurrying across the floor. Down went the pitcher of wine, and off went the waiter after its prey to the disappointment of all.
Efron was like the cat. He was able to act generously, but the “smell” of a large sum of money overwhelmed him, and out went Mr. Generous. “Maybe I’ll be generous tomorrow.” Imagine if Efron had known that his deeds would be forever read by generations, and lessons of how not to be would be learned from him. What would he have done differently? As we “write the story” of our own lives we would do well to learn from Efron.
Is Your Daughter’s Shidduchim Making Your Hair Turn White? V’Avrohom Zakein Ba Bayamim VaHashem Beirach Avrohom Bakol; Avrohom was aging and moving on in years and Hashem blessed him with everything.” (24:1) The Gemara Bava Basra, (15) quotes Rebbi Meir who says that this means he did not have daughters. How does he know this.
The Ksav Sofer answers in a light hearted manner, that the Rambam wrote in a letter to his son, telling him that his hair was getting white from trying find a suitable match for his single daughter. Here, the Torah tells us that Avrohom was aging, because he was reaching an advanced age. Since this aging was a natural process, it was apparent that he did not have any daughters, or else he would have aged long ago, due to the pressures of finding a Shidduch for his daughter.

Created By Avrohom Sherman
[email protected]

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