What, then, is the difference between man and animal?

The brothers of Yosef initially could not believe that the Egyptian vizer was actually their younger brother Yosef. As part of his effort to convince them, Yosef declares, “And here, your eyes see that it is my mouth speaking to you”45;12. Rashi explains this to mean that Yosef spoke to them in “Lashon Ha’Kodesh” Hebrew! Some, however, understand it was rather a refined speech.
What distinguishes man from animal is the capacity of speech, verbal communication. However, scientists have discovered a form of “speech” used even by animals through various noises. What, then, is the difference between man and animal?

Man can exercise control over his speech; he does not speak on instinct. No dog has ever criticized another for speaking Lashon Ha’ra (negative speech) about their fellow dog. Neither has a bird been accused for chirping obscenity.
The human being, however, is blessed with the intelligence and discipline required to speak in a refined manner, and to avoid improper speech. As such, one who is not careful how he speaks is really nothing more than an intelligent animal. This is what “Lashon Ha’kodesh” means. It refers to a speech that is carefully weighed and calculated. This is what Yosef Ha’Tzadik is telling his brothers. As a young man, he made the mistake of reporting his brother’s wrongful behavior to their father not exercising sufficient care in how he spoke. At this point, when he reveals himself to the brothers, he wants to emphasize that he has learned the lessons of his past. I have overcome my past mistakes, and now I speak with you “Lashon Ha’kodesh” in a proper, refined, positive and respectful manner.

>>>>>Adopted from the class of Rabbi Eli Mansour

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