(a) (Continuation of Beraisa – R. Elazar): “Beged” only teaches that a ‘Beged’ must be laundered (Rashi – Stam ‘Beged’ in the Torah refers to wool or linen. Rashi did not say this above when explaining R. Yehudah – perhaps he holds like the opinion (Menachos 39b) that ‘Beged’ includes all materials);
1. Question: What is the source to include (garments of) Sak and all materials?
2. Answer: “Asher Yizeh Aleha Techaves.”
3. Suggestion: Perhaps this includes hide after Hefshet!
4. Rejection: “Beged” – only things that are Mekabel Tum’ah must be laundered.
(b) Question: What is the difference between R. Elazar and R. Yehudah?
(c) Answer #1 (Abaye): They argue about a patch less than three fingers by three fingers (Rambam – three Tefachim by three Tefachim):
1. R. Yehudah obligates laundering it, for it *can* Mekabel Tum’ah (as is it now, once he (the owner) intends to use it, e.g. to patch up a garment).
2. R. Elazar exempts, for now it is not Mekabel Tum’ah.
(d) Answer #2 (Rava): They argue even about a full garment, if he intends to decorate it before using it:
1. R. Yehudah obligates laundering it, for it can Mekabel Tum’ah if he will (reconsider and) decide to use it as it is;
2. R. Elazar exempts, for now it is not Mekabel Tum’ah.
(e) Answer #3 (Rava): They argue about a cloth mat which he intends to cut before using it:
1. R. Yehudah obligates laundering it, for it can Mekabel Tum’ah if he will decide to use it as it is;
2. R. Elazar exempts, for now it is not Mekabel Tum’ah.
(f) Support (Beraisa – R. Shimon ben Menasiyah): If one intents to cut a cloth mat before using it, it does not Mekabel Tum’ah until he cuts it (or decides to use it as it is.)
(g) (Mishnah): Only the part of the garment that absorbed the blood must be laundered.
(h) Question: What is the source of this?
(i) Answer (Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps if blood splashed on part of a garment, the entire garment must be laundered!
1. Rejection: “Asher Yazeh” – only the place where the blood is must be laundered.
(j) (Mishnah): Only garments fitting Lekabel Tum’ah (and fitting to be laundered…)
(k) Our Stam Mishnah is like R. Yehudah;
1. ‘Fitting to be laundered’ excludes vessels that are scraped, not laundered (e.g. wood or metal).
(a) (Mishnah): The law of laundering is the same for cloth, Sak…(or leather…)
(b) Inference: This shows that laundering applies to leather.
(c) Contradiction (Mishnah): (On Shabbos) if there was filth on a cloth, it may be wiped off with a rag;
1. If there was filth on a leather pillow, one pours water over it until it gets clean. (If laundering applied, this would be forbidden!)
(d) Answer #1 (Abaye): Our Mishnah is like Chachamim, who say that laundering applies to leather; that Mishnah is like Acherim, who says that it does not:
1. (Beraisa): If Dam Chatas splashed on Beged or Sak, it is laundered; if it splashed on a vessel (that is not laundered) or leather, it is scraped off;
2. Acherim say, if it splashed on Beged, Sak or leather, it is laundered; if it splashed on a vessel, it is scraped off.
3. Question: According to which Tana is the following episode?
i. R. Chiya bar Ashi: Many times (on Shabbos) I shook Rav’s shoes (in his presence) in water.
4. Answer: It is like Chachamim.
(e) Objection (Rava): Surely, all agree that laundering applies to leather – “Veha’Beged…O Chol Kli ha’Or Asher Techaves”!
(f) Answer #2 (Rava): Rather, the verse and our Mishnah discuss soft leather, the Tana’im argue whether or not laundering applies to hard leather.
(g) Question: But R. Chiya (bar Ashi) often shook Rav’s shoes in water!
(h) Answer: They were hard shoes, he held like Chachamim.
(i) Retraction (Rava): I was wrong – the verse did not specify, surely it applies even to hard, cooked leather!
(j) Correction (Rava): The verse discusses all leather – even if it was originally hard, since Tzara’as comes from the garment itself, the garment becomes soft.
(k) Question (Rava – Mishnah): If there was filth on a leather pillow, one pours water over it until it gets clean;

1. Pillows are soft!
(l) Answer (Rava): Laundering without rubbing (one side of the garment on the other) is not considered laundering.
(m) Question: But R. Chiya shook Rav’s shoes in water!
(n) Answer: He shook them, he did not rub them;

1. If the shoes were soft, all Tana’im agree to this (that one may not rub them);
2. If they were hard, this was according to Acherim (but Chachamim would permit even rubbing.)
(o) Question: If it is not considered laundering without rubbing, the Mishnah should permit shaking a Beged in water!
(p) Answer: Regarding Beged, soaking in water is laundering.
(q) This is as Rava holds elsewhere:
1. (Rava): If one threw a turban into water (on Shabbos), he is liable; if one threw flax (some texts – flax seeds) into water, he is liable.
2. Question: We understand why he is liable for the turban – this is laundering;
i. But why is he liable for flax?
ii. Suggestion: Perhaps he is liable for seeding (for it will sprout.)
iii. Rejection: If so, he should also be liable for throwing wheat or barley!
3. Answer: He is liable for flax (for kneading), for it has strands (the flax sticks together).
4. Question: If so, he should also be liable for throwing skins (our text, Rashi; Tosfos – cress)!
5. Answer: Flax becomes kneaded (but not skins or cress.)
(r) (Rava): It is permitted to launder shoes on Shabbos.
(s) Rav Papa: But R. Chiya *shook* Rav’s shoes in water – he did not rub them!
(t) Rava publicly retracted – ‘I erred, shaking in water is permitted, not rubbing.’
(a) (Mishnah): It must be laundered in the Azarah.
(b) Question: What is the source of this?
(c) Answer (Beraisa): “Techabes B’Makom Kadosh”,
(d) Question: What is the source that a Kli Cheres must be broken in the Azarah?
(e) Answer: “U’Chli Cheres Asher Tevushal Bo Yishaver.”
(f) Question: What is the source that a copper vessel must be scoured in the Azarah?
(g) Answer: “V’Im bi’Chli Nechoshes Bushalah u’Morak v’Shutaf Ba’Mayim”.
(h) (Mishnah): In *this* respect, Chatas is more stringent than other Kodshei Kodoshim.
(i) Questions: There are other stringencies!
(j) Question #1: If blood of an outer Chatas entered the Heichal, it is Pasul!
(k) Answer #1: Our Mishnah is R. Akiva, who says that this applies to all Zevachim.
(l) Question #2: Chatas atones for Chayavei Kerisus!
(m) Answer #1: This does not apply to all Chata’os, e.g. to the Chatas for Shevu’as ha’Edus.
(n) Question #3: Dam Chatas requires four Matanos!
(o) Answer #1: Our Mishnah is R. Yishmael, who says that this also applies to (most) Zevachim (i.e. those requiring Matanos on opposite edges of the Mizbe’ach, he requires a separate Matanah on each side of the two edges.)
(p) Question (against all these answers): Surely, there are other stringencies – Dam Chatas must be put on the Keren or the edge, and with the finger!
(q) Answer (and Answer #2 to the first three questions): You must say, the Mishnah mentions one of the stringencies.
(a) (Mishnah): If blood splashed onto a garment and it left the Azarah, we return it to the Azarah and launder it there;
1. If this same garment became Tamei outside the Azarah, we tear it (to Metaher it), return it to the Azarah and launder it there.
(b) If Chatas was cooked in a Kli Cheres and it left the Azarah, we return it and break in the Azarah;
1. If it became Tamei outside the Azarah, we puncture it, return it and break it in the Azarah.
(c) If Chatas was cooked in a copper vessel and it left the Azarah, we return it and do Merikah u’Shtifah in the Azarah;
1. If it became Tamei outside, we make a big hole in it, return it and scour it in the Azarah.
(d) (Gemara – Ravina) Question: If we tear the garment, there is no Mitzvah to launder it – the Torah commands about a Beged!
(e) Answer: When tearing it, we leave connected enough cloth to make a turban. (Therefore, regarding laundering, it is still considered a Beged.)
(f) Objection: Rav Huna taught, if enough cloth remains connected to make a turban, it remains Tamei!
(g) Answer: Mid’Oraisa it is Tahor, it is Tamei mid’Rabanan (and Chachamim allow entering it to fulfill the Mitzvah.)

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